After so many months of wondering when or if, the band will ever be able to return to some form of normality and full rehearsals, we are now pleased to say that we are back rehearsing on a Wednesday evening and back in our village of Aylesham. We are fortunate to have a rehearsal facility that affords us plenty of room and we are able to accommodate everyone that wishes to play. This is in keeping with current Covid and Government guidelines and with a suitable risk assessment in place, ensuring that we keep all members as safe as is practically possible according to the rules. It is pleasing to say that the rehearsals have been extremely productive and most, if not all chairs occupied. We are keeping our fingers tightly crossed that most, if not all restrictions are lifted as from the 21st June. The band is now available for concerts etc and enquiries can be made via our website. Depending on any continued restrictions from the 21st June, the band may need to be socially-distanced when playing and therefore suitable room will be required when setting-up and playing. We look forward to seeing you once more in the… Read more“BACK TO BUSINESS!!”

A Big ‘Well Done!’

Many congratulations to our extremely versatile and talented trombone/baritone player Isabelle on winning the Trevor Attwood award at the Shepway Brass Academy for 2020. A huge well done from everyone at Snowdown Colliery! The award was donated to the Academy by Trevor’s family when he sadly passed away a few years ago and is awarded each year to a member in recognition of their contribution to the Academy. Well done Isabelle!

It’s been a funny ol’ year but we send you good cheer!

Well…..what can be said about the year 2020? From the band’s perspective very little, as since the end of March we have only been able to gather in small groups on a few occasions while the guidelines allowed us to play. It goes without saying that not only have we missed each other’s company at rehearsals and concerts, we have also missed our audiences and followers. None more so than during this Christmas period when we are very busy bringing festive entertainment to a number of listeners. There are often ‘moans’ and ‘groans’ from some members of the band when the library is rifled for the Christmas music to rehearse but I think that this year, most would be only too pleased to see a bit of ‘Rudolph’ or hear that Chris Rea was ‘Driving Home For Christmas’. Whilst what has occurred with the band’s calendar this year cannot be helped, we would like to ensure our followers that we are still very much a band and we are desperate to get back onto the concert stage playing for you as soon as possible in 2021. If anything, the pandemic has brought the band closer together as a unit and… Read more“It’s been a funny ol’ year but we send you good cheer!”